Energy Demand

Peak Alert
Our members may hear from time to time our “PEAK ALERT” announcements on various radio stations, email notification or Facebook and Twitter notifications. Peak Alerts are not a notice of a power shortage, they are simply a load management effort used to reduce the demand for electricity and keep your cost of power as low as possible. By keeping high electrical demand levels to a minimum, our cooperative members capture the benefit, in the form of a lower cost of power.
Peak Alerts are likely to occur Monday-Friday from 3-6 p.m. on days that are extremely hot and humid. When you experience those severely extreme weather days, find small ways to lower your electricity such as:
- Raise your thermostat by just a few degrees in the summer.
- Turn off lights and appliances you aren’t using.
- Avoid using major appliances, such as dishwasher, washer and dryer from 3-6 p.m.
- Use outdoor grill to keep cooking heat outside.
By working together and using energy wisely will help to keep our costs down and the electric rates stable.

Irrigation Load Levelers
In an effort to keep down our peak demand and the associated cost of power purchases, your cooperative is promoting and asking you to sign up your irrigation service for our Load Control Program. Irrigation units with the LCT's stalled may have service controlled from the office only when we deem it necessary. LCT’s may be controlled from 3-6 p.m., June 1-September 30. The cooperative will try to notify the members at least 4 hours in advance of the time being controlled.